Always, Like me before, I want add some CAD function into my application before, Think this:If using OLE mode, it is too tired to understand its concept...,if program it from zero,There is more work waiting for you! Now, You can using TCAD to help you writeing application. ?є Easy to create and use VECTOR shape in your application developing ,only controled by mouse; ?є Draw,Drag,Resize the Shapes that is Circle,Ellipse,Rectangle.Sector,Line,RuleLine,Polyline,Polygon,Image.Arc. ?є Can delete a shape or all shapes ?є Allow save to file or database field, easy to recall it. ?є Can add shape by code ?є Support printview and print. Set poPortrait/Landscape the page . using border or not ,print backgroud or not. ?є Select or customer define page(or canvas) size . ?є Show grid , set grid width or height ?є Snap to grid , easy to draw shape ?є Group/Ungroup shapes ?є Support when you [Press Ctrl],there is a square or circle ,horz./vert. line appear. ?є TMytext give you a very nice fonts. ?є Support layer,visible or invisible a layer, print one or more layer,delete layer ?є Can set the ratio. ?є Publish more events give you a interface to you application ?є Can work under at Delphi 4.0 5.0 6.0;BCB4.0 5.0. 6.0 |