JollySliders is a game for children and adults. The game is based on the classic hand-held puzzles where you have to slide pieces around to form a picture. The game can be played at a number of difficulty levels to allow a wide age range of players to be challenged! Play begins by choosing a picture for the puzzle. The game can be configured to choose pictures at random if you do not mind which picture you will be trying to piece together. The game can be played on a number of different sized 'grids'. The larger the grid, the more pieces the picture is broken into and therefore the harder it is to solve. The picture is 'shuffled' to a start position where all of the pieces have been moved around. Note that the pieces are not just randomly placed; the game will actually start from a complete picture and make a number of moves to jumble up the picture. This ensures that it is always possible to complete the game! This game forms part of our range of family friendly games. Please visit our website for more information on special offers and other products |