MyABCD is an animated, educational program for children aged one to five which includes the alphabet, numbers up to twenty, twelve simple games and ten musical instruments. It contains original music, sound effects and animation. Each letter is displayed in upper-case and lower-case, linked with a word, and used in a sentence. Children can cycle through the numbers sequentially or randomly. There is lively music and animation to entertain children as they learn numbers and counting and develop computer mouse skills. In the Games room children can play a balloon game, snap or help a mouse through a maze. They can complete a jigsaw, do number drawings, place shapes in slots, let bees out of a hive or catch bugs. The games require only mouse over skills, making them an entertaining learning experience for children who have not yet developed clicking skills. In the music room children are introduced to drums, xylophone, brass and string instruments. The instructions and help files for the program are available in English, French, German, Italian, Portugese and Spanish and you can change between these languages with one click. The graphics and sound remain in English. Version 2.8 includes a volume control for background music. Special on line deals for CDrom (USD11), pre-school site licence (USD22) and full school site licence (USD33) |