TeamSound provides a host of voice communications tools for serious game players. TeamSound provides free telephone quality voice communications and conferencing over the Internet. With TeamSound's powerful command and control system, you can bind hotkeys to various activities including the ability to talk on different channels, switch channels or the listen to the conversation on multiple channels at the same time. It has a voice recognition feature for simulating game hotkeys and other features including crystal-clear voice quality channels, muting, kicking and transmit indicators. There is a computer-generated text-to-speech engine for sequencing actions on the battlefield. TeamSound has the ability to produce computer-generated speech synthesis. Key phrases can be bound to hotkeys and transmitted instantly to other specific players or channels. Battlefield sequencing allows you to create unique phrases that are instantly heard by other members of your team allowing you to sequence time-critical operations with your fellow team players. TeamSound will get your team working together. Whether you're a hard-core Internet game player, someone who needs an Internet phone or just want to talk to several friends while you surf, TeamSound has all the features to provide the voice connection. All you need is a supported sound card, microphone and speakers attached to your computer. |