PuzzLex will help you to solve a wide range of word-based puzzles, such as crosswords, incomplete words, anagrams, multiple-word anagrams, and Countdown. Simply type in the known letters of a word, representing any unknown letters with a question mark. The program will search its comprehensive lexicon of words and phrases to show a listing of all possible matching words. You can type in a list of letters for the program to work with, specify letters to include or exclude, and add patterns. The lexicon offers over 200,000 words. (Evaluation version only allows access to words up to 8 letters in length) You can add and delete words, create your own lexicons, or import one from other sources. Registration provides the ability to search for words up to 30 characters in length. PuzzLex also contains over 100,000 definitions, synonyms and antonyms. If you're a word-puzzle enthusiast, PuzzLex is an essential tool. |