Thumber is a multi-purpose image management tool which lets you view, catalog, transform, rename, present, transfer, edit, and archive your JPG images. Thumber lets you create contact sheet-like Web pages with thumbnails linked to the full-sized images, enabling you to generate a Web page for a single file, several files, or multiple directories. It can extract and include information about the images in which it finds a thumbnail, and depending on the type of digital camera, determine the time, date, file size, exposure compensation, ISO speed, program mode, picture number, resolution, compression information, and more from most pictures, as well as compute 35mm-equivalent focal length and scene brightness. The program enables you to create a master index page with links to all the individual contact sheet pages (ideal for cataloging a large collection of images before burning them onto a CD); rename and redate files in batches; modify a file's time and date stamp; and display all the raw APP12 or EXIF data contained in an image file. You can also add, append, remove, and view the comments embedded within JPG files; transfer files between various devices, such as a removable memory card reader and a hard drive; and move APP12 and EXIF image data between files. |