Exl-Plan Pro (US and Canadal) is a Microsoft Excel worksheet and business financial planner which allows you to prepare comprehensive financial projections, budgets, business plans, and marketing strategies. Based on your assumptions, Exl-Plan generates fully-integrated five-year projections (P&Ls, cashflow statements, balance sheets, ratio analyses, and so on) on a monthly basis for the first year and quarterly thereafter. The program runs as a Microsoft Excel template, and contains over 200 special menu options and buttons, over 30 proforma reports, hundreds of graphed variables, and 11,000 formulae. Exl-Plan includes an online help that covers over 130 topics; error-trapping and worksheet protection capabilities; a Quik-Plan function for compiling projections in minutes; and extensive 'what-if' and sensitivity analysis. In addition, you can generate up to 19 different charts, and run the program under Windows 3.1. |