TIKSILAND is a Desktop System for Data Management and Analysis. Supports semistructured data model, temporal data processing, statistics and data mining, automatic unit conversion and more. TIKSILAND allows you access any data at any moment of the history of your Universe of Discourse. Simply set the clock to the time you need - and you will see the world at the given moment. You can input new data as you've got them. You need neither preprocess them nor have a qualified programmer, who will translate facts and figures to computer. You will see only objects and their properties instead of relational algebra, third normal forms and so on. With TIKSILAND you can analyze your data without additional structures like data warehouses, data marts etc. The system provides, along with descriptive statistics and tests, advanced methods of data analysis - cluster analysis and regression. The system supports calculations using units. Each numeric value has an associated unit and units will be automatically converted on calculations. |