GCMNotes will allow you to take notes from websites, news groups, or even your text files and keep them all in one place. No hunting and pecking for important information any longer. GCMNotes is an easy to use freeform note taking program which functions like a notebook. You create notebooks and inside the notebooks you create other notebooks or pages. Notes are stored in the pages of your notebook which can include any information you like such as from websites, newsgroups, personal information, cooking recipes, and whatever else your imagination can dream up. You will be able to search the database for any notes you have saved and retrieve them in seconds. You will also be able to export your database and take it with you whereever you go. In addition you will be able to create additional users in the program which will allow you to either share information or keep separate accounts. Your household will be able to share information with each other sharing notes, contacts, goals, or passwords all in a single database. |