In a nutshell BluePaste will quickly transfer text from the PC to your PDA. You can capture travel itineraries, driving directions, articles, or passwords using 1 key tap to transfer information from PC to Palm. Right now you gather information and place it on your Palm by going through six time-consuming, tedious steps: Select text, Copy the text, open your Palm DeskTop, click on the Memo area, create a New Memo, paste the information, and close your Palm desktop. BLUEPASTE DOES ALL OF THIS IN 1 SINGLE STEP, making it quick and simple to transfer information to your Palm. With BluePaste you select text, from while you're in various applications including, e-mail, word docs, spreadsheets, web pages, etc. and press F11. BluePaste captures the information into a .txt file that can be edited in Microsoft NotePad. The next time you HotSyncs BluePaste converts the text to a Palm Memo or Palm document and transfers the files to your Palm OS device. *Select and press the BluePaste Icon in Internet Explorer to capture text, and the URL. *Captures large documents to Palm DOC format, and small text to Memo. *Configure the keyboard and mouse to your desired preference. |